Monday, October 16, 2006

On Being a Sluggard

This weekend was a much needed time of rest—assuming you don’t count the 6 loads of laundry done on Saturday (yes, I did in fact say 6). For the past month, the concept of rest and not having to do anything has been a bit foreign to us. We both work full time, I’m attempting to finish up my master’s degree (hopefully by May), and N is at a company that is missionary support = raise your own salary. These things are of course doable, but put on top of that keeping in touch with friends and family and also making sure the home is in working order and we are eating and working out and of course spending time with one another….well, certain things tend to take a backseat after awhile. It makes me sad sometimes to think about how often we let something fall neglected.

On Sunday, our pastor spoke about the Sluggard described in Proverbs. Some of the things used to describe this Sluggard are horrible and things I would never intentionally associate myself with. However, the fact remains that I am a Sluggard in many ways. I wouldn’t call myself lazy (most of the time) or foolish, I try to make the best of opportunities, and yet I have areas that I fail in time and again. In our times of busyness, I quite often lose sight of my purpose to glorify God and to enjoy Him. The college I attended is known for its overachieving and over-involved students, who are constantly wrestling with how to handle the busyness of life (although I personally couldn’t live up to those standards and still be able to have as much fun as I did). Five years out of college and I am beginning to see that the busyness does not go away, it just looks different. Fortunately I am also beginning to learn that in the midst of my busyness I can still glorify God and I can certainly enjoy Him as well as His creation.

Recently I read an excerpt from "Christian Faithfulness in a Time Famine" to the lab I teach. This particular article addresses the issue of sloth. To me sloth has always equaled laziness, and I certainly did not want to be guilty of that sin! But the author helps redirect my thinking on this “Sloth is whatever keeps us from seeking and hungering after God”. And yes, I have been guilty of sloth more times than I can count.


millie kate said...

Sloth...funny you mention it! Did you happen to read my final HoneyRock paper?

I'm excited about your new blog! And, excited to see that mine is one of your links!!! Yeah for friends who want to "promote" me!!


Nicole said...

I didn't even know what your final paper was about! Am definitely interested though...