Thursday, October 19, 2006

Membership class and small group blessings

This past Saturday, for the first time ever, I took part in a membership class at my church. Typically, the class meets on Sundays, but seeing as I haven’t been able to make it to the 3 different times it was offered (out of town, on honeymoon, and now working with the 3 yr olds) I jumped on the opportunity to go to a Saturday session.

It is a little strange that this past year is the first time I have ever even desired to be a member at a church. I have been going to church since before I can remember and have been involved in some sort of leadership/teaching role since high school. I think I’ve always just thought of membership as something that the older people do. Perhaps, now that I have reached 26 and am approaching 27 I should/could start thinking of myself as one of those older people. Ahhhhhh! I so don’t want to be old—yet at least (I’ll probably be saying that when I’m 80). So back to membership….N and I attended the class with 2 other couples from our small group. In all honesty, one of the main reasons we are so attached to our church is because of this small group.

The small group is quite simple really, 6 other couples that meet about twice a month for a potluck and Bible study of some sort. However, the friendships that N and I are making have been such a blessing to us. Hopefully ones that will be long term like so many of our other friendships.

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