Thursday, May 03, 2007

Long Walk

Monday was the day. It was the day that I made my final walk across campus to complete an assignment. Literally, about a 5 minute walk, but it really took me about 3½ years to get there. And you know what? I am proud of myself for this degree. When I began this program back in the spring of 2004, I really was not interested in the degree itself, rather it was the experience I would gain and the classes that I could take that were appealing. However, now, I can’t believe I have actually finished all of the classes and work (and man there has been a lot of that lately) to earn a master’s degree. Yes, I earned it, which for some reason or another is hard for me to grasp sometimes.

As I was taking the final steps of my long journey my heart was racing a bit. A whole new chapter is about to begin and I hardly know what to do with myself. At the same time, this period of life, that I will never forget (especially my time at HoneyRock), will soon be part of my past and no longer my present.

So here’s to looking back on the past 3½ years:

48 master’s level credit hours – check
1 written comprehensive exam – check
1 oral comprehensive exam – check
1 mega internship paper – check
1 M.A. in Education Ministries – priceless (ha ha ha I wish! Hello student loans!)

Thanks so much for not giving up on me even though I have been mostly unavailable for the past months…you know who you are.

Oh and just so you know… (as in not related at all)
The glasses are cute, however the eyeballs are going crazy – and therefore my brain. Perhaps it is because I have a lazy lazy right eye that decided long ago to just let my left eye do all of the dirty work. (shame on you lazy right eye) So really, I am trying to reprogram my eyes/brain, but the headaches are not so fun. Three weeks into this and I can now wear my glasses/contacts a total of 1 hr and 30 min. And that’s progress! As of right now I do not feel safe driving with either of these corrective eye wear thingies, but the time will come.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, Nicole! Congratulations!! You've worked so hard for this degree.

Also, the glasses are super cute! I love 'em! But the headaches sound like no fun a'tall.

Nicole said...

thanks for sharing the excitement...not really that much fun celebrating alone.

Yes, as I am not a person that usually gets headaches, unless of course from a lack of sleep or too much sugar, this is really putting a damper on most of my days.