Friday, April 13, 2007

I can see clearly now

Well, not exactly...

Last night I went shopping for glasses. I did not find any I loved...well, I did find one pair I really liked, but it had little rhinestones on the sides (not my thing) and try I might, I cannot get past those. Although you should have heard Neile and I trying to..."you could just paint them black or maybe we could pop them out". I know it might take me awhile to find ones I love as I am used to seeing my face sans glasses, but I think there is also some reluctance on my part.

My main concern is my prescription. I really am worried it isn't correct. I have absolutely no reason to doubt my eye exam other than my gut feeling. Well, and the doctors office seemed a little ghetto/sketch to me (Neile agreed). I know the doctor must be accredited so he has to be under some set of standards, and yet I still doubt. I think this is due to the seemingly high prescription for my one eye. Yes, I can tell it is weaker, but I just didn't think it was that bad.

So now I am left concerned. What if it is wrong?! Will I get stuck with a bad prescription for a whole year? Will it ruin my eyes even more? This is something I want a second opinion on, if only for my piece of mind....but my insurance won't cover another exam. Ughhh. I really don't know what to do.

Of course there is the real possibility that my doubt is most likely founded in my reluctance to get glasses - as well as my total ignorance in all things glasses. Why is this so hard for me? I mean most people wear glasses!


Jeff & Rebecca Jo said...

Nicole, I wonder if you could clarify what their policy is if you are disatisfied with your glasses. I think some places might give you a week to see if you like them or not, but I may be wrong about that.

Nicole said...

So excited to hear from you two! Yes, I did get the glasses and yes I am going to see how it goes. The place I got them has like a 30 day warranty! Hopefully I won't run into any walls in the meantime (almost did that yesterday).