Thursday, April 05, 2007

Things I’ve learned in the last month or so…

If your hair doesn’t have enough protein, it takes forever to dry (or so says the hairdresser). I found this interesting as it shot my theory of “I have a lot of hair” to nothingness. So how does one go about putting protein in their hair? Well, it is simple really: buy shampoo that has protein in it. Oh…that clears it all up. Thanks! I did manage to find a shampoo that had “soy and protein” or something on it that was still in my budget. Go me!

Boundaries need to be set with new technology…for the sake of my marriage as well as overall health (sleep much?)

Eating more responsibly really does pay off. Can you believe it has been 5 weeks since I started this whole thing? Okay, so I admit that I haven’t exactly been good this week about writing things down, but I have still been good about watching and making mental notes! Still working on that whole exercise thing…maybe in May, no, June I’ll start that up.

Eye firming/wrinkle reducing cream has entered into my world. After trying sleep and more sleep, I still haven’t been able to get my “engagement-induced” under eye circles to go away. I can’t be that old can I?!?!

I need glasses. I am still really struggling with this; in fact, I had the appointment a whole 2 weeks ago and literally have not had a free night to pick some out. Ever been to the eye doctor and had them ask in total disbelief, “You don’t wear glasses?!?!” No, it isn’t that bad, as I hardly noticed it (only in my right eye and I am extremely left eye dominant…hmmm any connection perhaps?).

I cannot plan a meal/go grocery shopping if I am totally sleep deprived. Just ask my husband about that one…I am sure he will agree. Truthfully, it is at these times that I just break down and say “let’s just have pizza” (and no that does not fit into the “nicole eat more responsibly so her clothes will fit plan”).

I have an especially hard time waiting to hear about something that feels like a “sure thing”. As opposed to something that could go either way.

I possibly have to finish my internship paper before graduation. Crap. Graduation is May 5th; I can’t even start this paper until April 16th because of another huge project I am working on (for my oral comprehensive exam)! Hmmm…can I even do this paper justice?

Working full-time and finishing graduate school is hard on my relationships (friends, family, and even just the random people I interact with). Okay, so I knew that last semester too, but this semester blows last semester out of the water.

I know there is more, much, much more, but that is all I've got in me for now.

Happy Easter!


dr gonzo said...

ohhhh stress! i hope you still have a few moments each week where you can slow down and relax a bit. :o)

admission: i still have the shoulder knots i acquired during our engagement period of life. i know this isnt much of a help, but it seems to be something about the stress of getting married that creates muscle knots, or eye bags or... gray hair!! let me know if an eye cream works for you, cuz i'm not that crazy about mine. heh...

as for eating healthy quickly - i recommend grabbing a bunch of Lean Cuisines when they are on sale at Target (they can get to $1.50 each). who knew that microwave dinners were en vogue? oh yeah, and make NEILE cook!! hehehehe.

Nicole said...

Well, we are finding some time to slow last night. I watched 3 straight hours of tv and that is about it. =)

10lees: I do have a lot of hair and I do think that is one of the reasons my hair takes forever to dry, but really I am willing to try anything to shorten that time. So real improvement, BUT I didn't like my old shampoo and conditioner, so no loss right?