Friday, March 30, 2007

Once you go Mac you'll never go....Uhhhhh

Well, the verdict is still out.

Last night Neile and I purchased our very first computer together (aren't we just so grown up!). Well, after being brought up very much in the PC world, we ventured into the world of Apple computers...while praying that whole time that our families wouldn't disown us. We'd been talking about it for months (as in, since September) and decided that we would get a computer as our anniversary gift to each other - and we were excited. So last night we put down the big bucks and got ourselves an iMac.

Ohhh it is so pretty and shiny....ohhh it is so big (20" monitor)....ahhh there are only 2 cords....arrghh it Doesn't. Turn. On!

What the heck!

So yes, the verdict is still out, but for now we are off to the Apple service center... And we were so excited :(


Anonymous said...

I have to say I have always loved Macs better, but my first computer was a Macintosh Preform 480. They are 'easier' to use, you will be able to open files that other people send you - they just might have problems opening the ones you send them.

If you want to edit pics, edit video, and generally not have to worry about your computer working - usually macs are better.

So was it the ads that got you to purchase a mac instead of a pc? you know the ones I'm talking about, with the hip guy and the 'pc' is balding with glasses??

Nicole said...

No the ads didn't do it (although they are hilarious). We've both used Macs before and generally were impressed with them. Plus...we are excited to learn something new (you know, now that I've mastered the pc and all).

Even with this initial problem (as in we now have a large white screen to look at and that is about as far as we can go) we are still very excited and can't wait to power this baby up.

dr gonzo said...

welcome to the cool kids club!

Nicole said...

Truthfully...we do feel much cooler. Our massive computer is up and running. Yea! Now all I have to figure out is how to peel Neile off of it!