Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In Denial

So today I found my first gray hair. Well, at least I think that's what it was. I have to say, I feel lucky right now with my light colored hair. Lucky in the sense that I really don't know if it is a gray hair or simply a hair that has lightened up a bunch from the sun. Unfortunately, I am leaning towards gray. Lucky for Neile, I have conveniently saved it for him to examine when he gets home from work.

Someday though I might be wishing my hair was darker. Ever notice how sometimes people with lighter colored hair don't really go gray? It is more like their hair just loses color.

Personally, I can't wait for see through hair!

Moving on...(although don't you like how my posts have already begun to exude "I have a Master's degree and will now only talk about deep meaningful things"?) Neile and I will be doing just that in the next week - moving that is. ughhh not looking forward to the packing, although I am sure the piles of empty boxes in my living room are. ughhh again. It seems like I finish one crazy thing (i.e. graduate school) only to start up another. Interesting thing about this instance is that we are moving only temporarily. See, now that I have graduated we both thought it was a good time to get a summer know like we used to have back in high school and college. Well, this wasn't our ideal plan, but for now we can be excited about it while the two of us continue to look for a more permanent situation. So for this summer, Neile and I will be heading out to the Black Hills (That is South Dakota by the way) to cook for Wheaton College's Science Station. I am soo excited because I went to this very Science Station (oh let's just call it what it is...Science Camp) the summer of 2001 and it ended up being THE highlight of my college education. Of course my experience will be not even sorta similar this summer, but it will be beautiful and I will be working alongside my husband, and I can relive the good 'ole days...uh yeah.

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