Monday, November 06, 2006


I am a bit recipe obsessed. I cannot really pass a recipe book without noticing it. I am by no means a gourmet cook, but I really enjoy trying out new things. Neile and I always joke that whenever we have people over or take a dish somewhere it is almost always something we have never made before. This really never struck me as odd until I kept getting asked if I cooked very much (which I am pretty sure I do). This originally struck me as a strange question to ask, but as it turns out does make quite a bit of sense considering I was always telling people I had never made such and such dish before.

Turns out I come from a family that does this very thing - often. Not too surprising I suppose, but interesting. Just the other day we were talking with my sister about how we always bring something new and she said that she does the same thing. In fact, it was just about a month ago that my mom and her friend made a feast (at least 4 main dishes) just to try out new recipes – because they sounded good. So how is it that I never noticed any of this?

That is one of those interesting things about being married. I can live for 26 years not even realizing I do something a certain way or think a certain way and WHAM my way is not the only way. Most of the time this is just humorous to me, but sometimes it is very very annoying and downright upsetting. I knew that I was getting into a situation where I would probably be continually humbled in my thinking and actions when I ventured into marriage, but I don’t think I thought of the benefits (nor do I recognize them all by any means) of all of this. I love my family and frankly I love how I was raised and how things work at my parents’ house. It is what I grew up with and what I know best. BUT some things are just going to be different for my home and that is something that is both good and I have enjoyed. For one – I like be the woman of the house. I had never been in that role before, but I slipped into it without looking back. In fact, sometimes I get a little concerned over how much I enjoy this role. Before Neile and I got married I joked with him about being a stay-at-home-wife. Truth is, I would probably love it and become more than just a little Betty Crockery – but then again I would probably get pretty lonely without my people fix.

So all this to say, I love seeing change and perceptions adjust and discovering those subtle things we do differently than before and yes I love recipes and find those cookbooks on my shelf entirely too distracting!


dr gonzo said...

i love recipes! our household is slightly addicted to the Food Network. Giada, Alton, Michael & Rachel all give us good ideas for the kitchen.

that and i have a fantastic idea to display my cookbooks in our dining room (if and when we get one) for constant inspiration.

the family i used to live with would plan out recipes for each supper for two weeks, and then go shopping for the ingredients. it was great to have dinner diversity, but um... i was yelled at a few times for snitching a few biscuits or opening the sketti sauce on my own...

anyways, i think trying & sharing new recipes is a wonderful way to spread a little love. you can make us a new dish anytime you please. ;o)

Nicole said...

I love the food network! But alas, we do not have cable...which means I can actually get some things done.

Oh and I do like to plan out meals in advance--although haven't been able to much since my class started getting crazy!

Anonymous said...

I have to say you might get your people fix if you have little people around ;-)

Well I don't get a chance to try our recipes, probably cause I am rather lazy and it is just so much work moving in! I wil have to get on the ball eventually so I can spread the love of home cooking!


dr gonzo said...

"spread the love of home cooking..." would that be anything like our escapade sophomore year in the townhouse kitchen with the pancakes and the setting off of the fire alarm and making everyone get out of bed at 8am on a saturday?

dont ask for that recipe.

Nicole said...

10lees - feel your pain about moving...dreading that possibility come February. And yes, I have a feeling when the time comes I will more than get my people fix ;)

Dr. G - not sure I would appreciate that sort of love. Although I quite frequently set off the smoke alarm (our vent system doesn't work so well) in my apartment --no fire alarms yet.=)

HartyNews said...

hey a great online site to find recipe is :) Bob and I are working on what we are bringing to Thanksgiving :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this is cool