Monday, November 20, 2006

Food, food, and more food

Yes folks, it seems that all I did this weekend was cook and eat. That is not entirely true (as Neile and I did see The Prestige on Friday), but at some points it sure felt like it. I did had a wonderful talk with my good friend that has to live oh so far away. I worked with the 3 year olds, went to church, celebrated my brother-in-law's birthday, saw my little sis (it's been 3 months!) and we had small group. And yes, in between all of that I cooked.

We cooked the pheasant and just to let you know it turned out great. It was not the most fun to clean, but thankfully Neile did all of the “gross stuff”. We ended up using a recipe I found online. You should check it out if you ever have the need. =) Saturday and Sunday were just so busy and we knew we weren’t going to be home at all on Sunday except maybe 45 minutes so I needed to use the good ole crock-pot. So I woke up early and set that bird a stewing only to come home at 12:30 and find out that something didn’t work just right with the crock-pot settings so for who knows how long, that bird was just warming away. Luckily, we had to stop at the apartment for about 5 minutes to grab a present and some deviled eggs for the birthday party, so I was able to reset the machine. Fingers crossed we walked out the door once again. This time we returned at about 4 and that bird had been cooking beautifully that whole time. Praise the Lord! I gave Neile the pleasure of de-boning it seeing as he was the great hunter that brought that thing home and off we went to small group with our beautiful potluck entrĂ©e (of course if it hadn’t worked we already had our back-up plan….the grocery store is on the way to small group!). Yes, it was a big hit, and yes, we would make it again if given a pheasant or two, but mostly we are content to stick with the easy stuff like chicken - you know that’s already been cleaned and all.

Oh and I have to share another recipe that was tried this weekend and was fabulous. This was a big hit with the family. Pan fried apple and feta pizzas. YUMMY!


Anonymous said...

My dad went pheasant hunting when I was in middle school and brought home 4 or 5 birds. I remember he had them strung up by their feet on the cold back porch for a couple of days before cleaning them all up. I didn't watch dad clean them but I do remember looking out the window after he was was a mess! I'm really thankful we don't have to do that every time we want to eat a piece of chicken or beef! YUCK! Props to Neile for the dirty work!

Nicole said...

Yeah, no kidding! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't eat as much "animal" if I had to do all that all of the time. :)