Saturday, January 19, 2008

Holiday Party fun

I love my job! This is so strange to me. Never having been a career driven woman I have never looked at any of my jobs as long term ventures. Yes, I am motivated and yes I am interested in moving up, but I just never got past 2-3 years in my head. However, this job is different. Who knows how long I'll be there, BUT I could see myself being there a long while.

I've only been there about 4 months and have known pretty much from the very beginning that I enjoyed my job, but it wasn't until I got my mail 2 weeks ago that I really realized how much I like my job. I received an invitation to the holiday party. Yes, the party sounds fun (bowling and billiards) but I am also excited to go and hang out with a bunch of people from work! That is a little strange to me. Hmmm...that sounds kinda cruel. Let me clarify. I have actually really enjoyed all of my past co-workers and have enjoyed different aspects of all of my past jobs. However, this is the first place I have ever worked where I was actually looking forward to the holiday party.

I am not sure that there is one thing about this job that makes it different, but rather a combination of quite a few things. It is completely family oriented, I am talking to people all day long, I get a free gym membership, I enjoy the many different people I work with, and I get to help people all day. I mean, my job is to help people! How cool is that?!? And you know the is also someplace I would want to go and hang out outside of work! Crazy!

So yeah, it is pretty easy for me to see this job as possible long term. To be honest that was not my motivation when I first applied for the job. I wanted a place that would be family friendly and would be a good place to work before and after we have kids. I knew I needed people interaction, but other than that I was just thinking I should get a job and make some money. End of story. How cool is it that the Lord provided me with a job that I am enjoying, doing well at, and appreciated for my work. Don't get me wrong, some days I don't want to go to work, but it is not because of the job itself....which is just wild!

All of this is incredibly encouraging to me when we think about having kids. Our hopes were always that I would stay home and not work. When the time comes I think we will be close (financially) to achieving that goal, but possibly not quite there. This thought can be kinda exciting and depressing all at the same time. You know, we have this goal that we would love to accomplish and yet fall short just a bit. Ugghhh. Well, thinking about having kids and working at this job definitely helps with that. Not only would I enjoy my job, but they also have an amazing childcare program that is free to employees! What an amazing encouragement and blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This all sounds really good!