Friday, March 30, 2007

Once you go Mac you'll never go....Uhhhhh

Well, the verdict is still out.

Last night Neile and I purchased our very first computer together (aren't we just so grown up!). Well, after being brought up very much in the PC world, we ventured into the world of Apple computers...while praying that whole time that our families wouldn't disown us. We'd been talking about it for months (as in, since September) and decided that we would get a computer as our anniversary gift to each other - and we were excited. So last night we put down the big bucks and got ourselves an iMac.

Ohhh it is so pretty and shiny....ohhh it is so big (20" monitor)....ahhh there are only 2 cords....arrghh it Doesn't. Turn. On!

What the heck!

So yes, the verdict is still out, but for now we are off to the Apple service center... And we were so excited :(

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This has gone too far!

I know that I have said it before, but cell phone use has just gone too far! I try and fight it, but I know that I am just as guilty as the next at being too reliant on my phone.

For example:
Working at a college one sees some pretty strange things, but yesterday tops the cake for me. I was out enjoying the unseasonably warm (whoa! we were actually in the 60's!) weather when I noticed something very odd. Two students tossing the football back and forth in front of their campus house--I know, I know, not so odd. But, I certainly was entertained watching them figure out how to catch and throw the football with one hand. Yes, it seemed their other hand was not available as it was already occupied with.....yes their cell phone.

Both of them were talking on their cell phone!!! Ridiculous.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Weighty Matter

I’ve been rather upset with myself the past 2 years (I am sure it has been longer, but I was blind to it) when it comes to my weight and my inability to make exercising a priority. I’ve started different exercising plans and have proceeded to do them for about…maybe 2-4 days. No pat on the back for me.

Mostly it comes down to my inability to be disciplined in the area of food as well as activity. I have no idea when this happened, because it has not always been the case! In fact, I used to have no problem being disciplined (yes, I still was tempted and had to fight that off, but I was disciplined gosh darn it and was able to at least stick with my plan). But alas, that has gone and I haven’t been able to stick with any sort of plan.

I realize that some of this is because I am married…but definitely not because of Neile. The simple fact that there is another person’s schedule to account for does create logistical and time problems. No I don’t want to workout for an hour after work and then go home and cook dinner (much easier when my mom was doing the dinner cooking!) and I don’t want to be on an opposite schedule from Neile (Yes! I love to spend time with my husband).

So in the interest of figuring out how to handle this lack of discipline dilemma I have created a plan! Don’t laugh, because I am very hopeful about this plan. I like to call it the “Nicole eat more responsibly so her clothes will fit plan”. Basically I am counting calories and fat and weighing myself once a week. Yes, I have created a spreadsheet (nerd that I am) and keep track of every item I eat. The motivation of knowing I have to account for the calories and fat I consume has definitely been helpful. (Many pieces of chocolate have been spared the jaws of death)

Well, I have just finished a whole week of my plan and so far so good. I am even beginning to feel good about my ability to be disciplined. I don’t believe I am over the hump yet (as the cravings have only just begun), but I am getting there. And while I have not yet incorporated actual exercise into my plan (note it was simply “eat responsibly”) that will come. Right now it is simply baby steps – and if you have ever witnessed a kiddo trying to walk for the first time you’ll know what I mean. Wish me luck!

Sidenote: Look at me blogging like a real blogger...possibly because I am bored out of my mind!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This is not your bachelor pad anymore!

So last night as I am getting ready for bed I hear a strange noise from the kitchen.

Oh that was just the refrigerator door opening.
(no big deal...Neile must be getting a drink before bed)

Then I hear the distinct sound of the 2-liter bottle of seltzer water open.
(nothing unusual about that)

Then maybe 3 sec. later I hear the cap being screwed back on. I wait for the sound of the trash can opening (gotta give the benefit of the doubt)...nothing except the bottle being put on the shelf and the fridge door shutting again.
(No no no he did not do what I think he did!)
Yes! He did exactly what I think he did! Arrgghhh....


Friday, March 02, 2007

So how many times were you asked...

Now this past weekend could have a huge bearing on the future life of Neile and Nicole. And I can tell you overall, it was good. We went on a little trip to see some friends and blah blah blah. I will have to fill you in on the details at a later date. More importantly, I had the pleasure of being asked the same question over and over again for 4 days straight! (don't worry I was nice...I think) I do understand that this is mainly because I was in a different place and around people I am not normally around, but is hard enough juggling school and work and home and friends and family and marriage without also having to think about my future! And I do realize that this is something I need to figure out.

You know what question I'm talking about right? "What are you going to do after you graduate?" Gee that is a good question...hadn't thought about that before. (sarcastic - who me?!?)

Actually that is the one question at the forefront of my thinking most days. And no I don't have an answer, nor will I have an answer for you any time soon! It is times like these that I wish someone would just tell me what to do ( would end up being perfect)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Official

This just in....I have passed my comprehensive exams! Huge sigh of relief. I just found out yesterday and it is still just sinking in. Praise the Lord that I do not have to take that over again (and no I was not confident that it would turn out this way).

Now on to the next few study, write paper, write paper, and write even more papers.

May graduation cannot come soon enough.