Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Weighty Matter

I’ve been rather upset with myself the past 2 years (I am sure it has been longer, but I was blind to it) when it comes to my weight and my inability to make exercising a priority. I’ve started different exercising plans and have proceeded to do them for about…maybe 2-4 days. No pat on the back for me.

Mostly it comes down to my inability to be disciplined in the area of food as well as activity. I have no idea when this happened, because it has not always been the case! In fact, I used to have no problem being disciplined (yes, I still was tempted and had to fight that off, but I was disciplined gosh darn it and was able to at least stick with my plan). But alas, that has gone and I haven’t been able to stick with any sort of plan.

I realize that some of this is because I am married…but definitely not because of Neile. The simple fact that there is another person’s schedule to account for does create logistical and time problems. No I don’t want to workout for an hour after work and then go home and cook dinner (much easier when my mom was doing the dinner cooking!) and I don’t want to be on an opposite schedule from Neile (Yes! I love to spend time with my husband).

So in the interest of figuring out how to handle this lack of discipline dilemma I have created a plan! Don’t laugh, because I am very hopeful about this plan. I like to call it the “Nicole eat more responsibly so her clothes will fit plan”. Basically I am counting calories and fat and weighing myself once a week. Yes, I have created a spreadsheet (nerd that I am) and keep track of every item I eat. The motivation of knowing I have to account for the calories and fat I consume has definitely been helpful. (Many pieces of chocolate have been spared the jaws of death)

Well, I have just finished a whole week of my plan and so far so good. I am even beginning to feel good about my ability to be disciplined. I don’t believe I am over the hump yet (as the cravings have only just begun), but I am getting there. And while I have not yet incorporated actual exercise into my plan (note it was simply “eat responsibly”) that will come. Right now it is simply baby steps – and if you have ever witnessed a kiddo trying to walk for the first time you’ll know what I mean. Wish me luck!

Sidenote: Look at me blogging like a real blogger...possibly because I am bored out of my mind!!!


dr gonzo said...

this is a great proactive approach!! :o) i did a spreadsheet for a good year, and now i think i'm in a general good eating habit. only occasionlly do i break the habit (usually when a pizza is ordred...). good luck and keep going!!

side note: i have talked with a bunch of newlyweds over the past couple of years, and it seems to be a trend that couples gain some weight after marriage. it's kinda like the "freshman 15".

Nicole said...

Yeah, my hope is not to be tied to a spreadsheet, but rather develop a better "sense" for what everything has in it.

I've also heard about the newly married weight gain...blast! I think so much of that is due to the juggling of two people's needs - much more time consuming than one would think.

dr gonzo said...

and stressful. the need for chocolate definitley escalates!