Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This has gone too far!

I know that I have said it before, but cell phone use has just gone too far! I try and fight it, but I know that I am just as guilty as the next at being too reliant on my phone.

For example:
Working at a college one sees some pretty strange things, but yesterday tops the cake for me. I was out enjoying the unseasonably warm (whoa! we were actually in the 60's!) weather when I noticed something very odd. Two students tossing the football back and forth in front of their campus house--I know, I know, not so odd. But, I certainly was entertained watching them figure out how to catch and throw the football with one hand. Yes, it seemed their other hand was not available as it was already occupied with.....yes their cell phone.

Both of them were talking on their cell phone!!! Ridiculous.


dr gonzo said...

maybe they were talking to each other? :o)

Nicole said...

I actually thought of that possibility. Perhaps with the wind it was so much effort to yell 20 feet...but alas, one hung up while the other proceeded to talk.