Thursday, January 10, 2008

Remember me?

Well, believe it or not, I'm back. I definitely didn't think I would even remember my password for this things, but alas I am out of excuses for writing now. =)

So it is 4:30pm and my hair is almost dry from my 2:00 shower. Yes, I did not shower until 2pm on Thursday (and yes I work on Thursdays - but only until 1pm). As a rule I don't even go down for breakfast until I am showered, BUT today was an exception.....a horrible exception.

I woke up at 8:18 this morning. I need to be at work at 7:45. Wanna guess the first words out of my mouth this morning? Don't be silly I am not a potty mouth! It was a simple "Oh crap" which of course woke Neile up and thus began the mad scramble.

I made it to work by 8:45. My commute is 15 min. Not bad if I do say so myself ('tho this does not get rid of the horrible feeling of being late).

Oh yeah, about the job and townhouse - Currently, I am enjoying both =). For the speedy catch up I am going to post our new year letter....with more to come in the near future (as in sooner than 4 months!).


Anonymous said...

What?! You're blogging again?! I'd totally given up on this little blog of yours. :)

Waking up late like that is such a horrible feeling...and it's amazing how fast you can move with all of that adrenaline pumping!

Nice to have you back to blogging. :)

Jeff & Rebecca Jo said...

It is good to see you are back the the blog! This webpage was growing some serious mold!!! I am so glad you got an awesome job and apt! Love - RJ